
An independent European global strategy consultancy

Created in 2005, FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs is an independent European global strategy consultancy, that specialises in public affairs, corporate communication and crisis management, as well as the international development of businesses. The firm is an expert of complex environments.

Based in Paris, Brussels, Rome, Warsaw and in London, and active in West Africa and the Maghreb region, the firm offers tailor-made support at national, European and international level, with a view to helping organisations master the socio-economic, regulatory and geopolitical environments essential to their activity.

FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs is a member of EPACA (European Public Affairs Consultancies’ Association) and the Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in France (CCIPF).

The consultancy is registered on the registers of interest representatives of the French National Assembly, the European Parliament and the European Commission.

FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs is also listed by the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service as a Business Consultant.


Fair value

Choosing a name, with its financial and ethical connotations, is not trivial. The consultancy’s name demonstrates the desire of its founder to offer companies and institutions services with high added value, but remunerated at a fair price.

Our commitment

The values of commitment, professionalism, rigour and creativity, contribute to the high level of performance and standards of the firm’s consultants’ work. Thus, they naturally build a long-lasting relationship with their clients, based on trust and mutual respect.


FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs offers a rigorous, well-developed and proven methodology in Communication and Public Affairs.

The result-oriented culture

The firm’s consultants also develop a very strong results-oriented culture, which they are committed to in every one of their clients’ cases.


Aware of the necessary transparency and professional responsibility involved in the profession of public and political affairs consulting, FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs is registered on the registers of interest representatives of six institutions and official organisations whose codes of ethics are a reference in France and Europe.

A. French public institutions

High Authority for Transparency in Public Life
The firm is registered on the list of interest representatives and accepts the code of conduct:

B. Public institutions and European professional associations

Transparency register of the European Commission and the European Parliament

Entry in this register commits the firm to the full agreement of the code of conduct adopted by the European Institutions.

FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs supports the efforts of the European Parliament and the European Commission to promote transparency and accountability in political decision-making and the reforms under the European Transparency Initiative (ETI).

Circle of French Permanent Delegates (CDPF)