Kancelaria FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs ogłasza utworzenie F.V. Corporate & Public Affairs Maroko w Casablance
20 grudnia 2022 r. FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs została zaproszona przez organizację Pracodawcy RP, której jest członkiem, do udziału w spotkaniu na temat wdrożenia dyrektywy o sprawozdawczości przedsiębiorstw w zakresie zrównoważonego rozwoju (CSRD). [...]
15 września FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs zostało członkiem Pracodawców PR - wiodącej organizacji pracodawców w Polsce. Członkostwo to jest kontynuacją zaangażowania firmy w promowanie i wspieranie polskich firm i organizacji w kraju i za granicą. Współpraca ta zaczyna się w bezprecedensowym okresie....
Polski Instytut Ekonomiczny opublikował właśnie budujący raport na temat zaangażowania Polski w kryzys rosyjsko-ukraiński, a szczególnie w pomoc dla ukraińskich uchodźców. W ciągu pół roku trwania konfliktu 70% mieszkańców Polski zaangażowało się w pomoc [...]
Anne Mazoyer-Jankowska, prezes i założycielka FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs, gościem programu Morandini Live, aby omówić wstrząsy, które mają nadejść po wynikach wyborów parlamentarnych w 2022 roku. Rząd koalicyjny przewidziany przez prezydenta Emmanuela Macrona [...]
W Polsce, firma FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs, zajmująca się sprawami publicznymi i politycznymi, komunikacją korporacyjną i zarządzaniem kryzysowym, ogłosiła partnerstwo z Pełka i Partnerzy, agencją marketingową, komunikacyjną, zarządzania marką, reklamową i public relations. [...]
Z geostrategicznego, ekonomicznego i handlowego punktu widzenia partnerstwo to otwiera nowy etap działalności FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs w Polsce, wzbogacając ofertę kancelarii dzięki komplementarności jej własnych kompetencji w dziedzinie public affairs, komunikacji korporacyjnej i strategii przedsiębiorstwa oraz know-how agencji Pełka i Partnerzy specjalizującej się w marketingu, reklamie i public relations....
Agencja Pełka i Partnerzy, która od ponad 20 lat z sukcesami realizuje projekty z obszaru komunikacji i zarządzania markami, ogłasza partnerstwo strategiczne z FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs – europejską firmą konsultingową, specjalizującą się w public affairs, komunikacji, zarządzaniu kryzysowym i międzynarodowym rozwoju biznesu...
W bulwersującym i tragicznym kontekście wojny wszczętej przez Rosję przeciwko Ukrainie kancelaria FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs angażuje się na rzecz ukraińskich uchodźców zmuszonych do opuszczenia ojczyzny i szukających schronienia w krajach graniczących z terenami objętymi konfliktem, a także w całej Europie i na całym świecie....
Pizzas Buitoni - przykład błędów, których nie należy popełniać w komunikacji kryzysowej. W tego typu sytuacjach konieczne jest przewidywanie i : 1. Wdrożenie strategii pełnego uznania. Firmy muszą wyłożyć karty na stół i oprzeć [...]
Wybory prezydenckie Jeśli Emmanuel Macron chce mieć szansę na spełnienie oczekiwań jak największej liczby obywateli, będzie musiał zmierzyć się z dwoma poważnymi wyzwaniami: społecznym i królewskim. Fragment wystąpienia Anne Mazoyer w Les Vraies Voix [...]
W czasie, gdy Rosja grozi wybuchem trzeciej wojny światowej, Stany Zjednoczone i 40 ich sojuszników spotykają się w Niemczech, aby przyspieszyć dostawy broni na Ukrainę... Kiedy wreszcie zrozumiemy nasze strategiczne błędy? Rosja nie może [...]
Wybory skrajności Powtórka pojedynku Emmanuel Macron - Marine Le Pen z 2017 roku nie jest być może zaskoczeniem. Oboje kandydatów uzyskało w pierwszej turze wyniki lepsze niż przed pięcioma laty (odpowiednio 27,6% i 23,4%). [...]
« La première victime de la guerre, c’est toujours la vérité » disait Rudyard Kipling. Les visites diplomatiques successives de Kamala Harris et de Joe Biden en Pologne, et leurs road shows européens en ces derniers [...]
Rozdział, który zostanie otwarty 1 stycznia 2022 r. podczas francuskiej prezydencji w Unii Europejskiej, będzie miał kluczowe znaczenie dla skupienia Państw Członkowskich wokół wspólnych wartości w służbie europejskich interesów gospodarczych
Nowy rozdział w stosunkach między Unią Europejską i Wielką Brytanią, który otworzył się 1 stycznia, pozwolił położyć kres niektórym obawom, nie rozwiewając jednak niepewności.
A convinced European and Europhile, President Macron made no mistake when he made an important official visit to Poland at the beginning of the year. In view of the French Presidency of the European [...]
Presidential election and French Presidency of the EU "This will be a test for Emmanuel Macron insofar as it comes at an extremely important momentum both on #insecurity and on the resumption of the [...]
On 24 June 2021, Anne Mazoyer-Jankowska and Felix Goodenough attended the British-Polish Chamber of Commerce Summer Gala in Warsaw with Ambassador Anna Clunes, whose beautiful, moving and realistic speech underlined the importance and [...]
Publikacja wyników giełdowych, zarządzanie kryzysowe… Komunikacja korporacyjna ma przed sobą świetlaną przyszłość. Komunikacja korporacyjna to ogół działań mających na celu utrwalanie tożsamości organizacji poprzez jej wartości. W odróżnieniu od komunikacji marki, której celem [...]
Rozwijanie obecności #polskich firm na rynkach zagranicznych oraz zwiększanie ich reprezentacji i wpływów na poziomie #UE. jak Anne Mazoyer-Jankowska, Prezes FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs, przemawia podczas webinarium Pracodawcy RP.
Very constructive discussion in Warsaw with President of #EmployersofPoland, Andrzej Malinowski PH.D. and Vice-President Janusz Pietkiewicz, about the future post COVID19 Economy in #Poland, and the standing of Polish companies on the international [...]
Presidential 2022: Can Xavier Bertrand prevent a second round between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen? Intervention of Anne Mazoyer in Le Débat du Dimanche on Sud Radio on March 28, 2021. [...]
Speech by @EmmanuelMacron at 8 p.m. Tonight's arbitrations will be decisive for the future of our #economy. Anne Mazoyer's intervention in Monrandini Live @CNews on the 31st March 2021
CCI France Pologne - Communication - 07/02/2021 Nowy rozdział w stosunkach między Unią Europejską i Wielką Brytanią, który otworzył się 1 stycznia, pozwolił położyć kres niektórym obawom, nie rozwiewając jednak niepewności. Wiele firm staje [...]
Long momentum for government communication around a new lockdown. In #crisismanagement, "waiting too long does not always allow us to overcome uncertitudes". Anne Mazoyer's intervention in Monrandini Live @CNews on the 26th January 2021 [...]
Marco Rocchi, Public & Political Affairs Advisor of FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs, participated in the launch conference of B20 Italy 2021, the international forum organized by Confindustria and dedicated to dialogue with [...]
Felix Goodenough, political consultant, participated at the 2021 Africa Investment Conference, a one-day virtual event organised by the UK Department for International Trade to explore the opportunities for partnership and investment in Africa, [...]
Felix Goodenough and Victoire Bedhome, political consultants, participated at the Cross-Channel Institute event, organised alongside the Franco-British Chamber, at which Denis MacShane, former UK Minister for European Affairs, and Yann Leriche of Getlink [...]
As a member of the CCIFP, FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs participated in the "New Year's Meeting", which was addressed by the French Ambassador to Poland, Mr. Frédéric Billet. This event was an [...]
Anne Mazoyer, President of FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs, as well as Ndeye Arame Dime and Victoire Bedhome, political advisors, took part in the ANACOFI's Annual Big Debate on 15 December 2020. David [...]
César Lesage, General Delegate, and Marco Rocchi, Public and Political Affairs Advisor, participated in the first IEP Talk organised by the Italian Executives in Paris association. The event was introduced by the new [...]
Will Valéry Giscard D'Estaing go down in history as a great president? Anne Mazoyer's intervention in Le Débat du Dimanche @SudRadio on the 6th December 2020
César Lesage, General Delegate, and Ndèye Arame Dime, Political Advisor, attended this MEDEF flagship event, which aimed to underline the need to support strategic sectors in order to strengthen the resilience of the [...]
Stratégies - Consulting - 29/11/2020 FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs, a consultancy firm specialising in public and political affairs with offices in Paris, Brussels and Rome, is setting up in Central and Eastern Europe [...]
Victoire Bedhome, Policy Advisor, participated in the "EU Circular Talks - The Circular Economy to Revitalise Retail" - an initiative jointly organised by the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform and EuroCommerce. On this [...]
27 października 2020 W otoczeniu społeczno-gospodarczym wstrząśniętym kryzysem sanitarnym, którego skutki zmuszają wiele organizacji do redefiniowania sposobu działania, celów strategicznych i źródeł finansowania, FairValue Corporate et Public Affairs wprowadza nową, wyjątkową „ofertę COVID”, która [...]
A new lockdown would be devastating for the economic fabric and detrimental to the proper functioning of our health system in the long term. César Lesage's intervention in Morandini Live @CNews on the 23rd [...]
Contexte - Lobbying - 22/10/2020 The firm founded by Anne Mazoyer already assists "a dozen" Polish clients in France and French clients in Poland for their lobbying activities. An office will open in Warsaw [...]
Is the epidemiological rebound overhauling President Macron's recovery strategy? César Lesage's intervention in Morandini Live @CNews on the 14th October 2020
Specialist in crisis management, in particular in regards to industrial restructuring, FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs was represented by Ndeye Arame Dime, Public Affairs Consultant, at the second edition of the Restructuring & [...]
Reconciling economic recovery and health protection: an impossible balance? Anne Mazoyer's intervention in Monrandini Live @CNews on the 5th October 2020
Without political and citizen consultation, are we running into social implosion ? Anne Mazoyer's intervention on Monrandini Live @CNews on the 29th September 2020
Marco Rocchi, Public Affairs Consultant at FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs, met with Olivier Guersent, Director General of DG Competition at the European Commission, during the ASCPE event on the development of bilateral [...]
Clément Beaune, Secretary of State for European Affairs, gave an overview of the subjects to be addressed by the next European Council on 22 September, such as the European response to the coronavirus, [...]
The economic tsunami will kill more than the #Covid pandemic. Tomorrow, the challenge to the recovery plan in the form of strikes is not justified. Anne Mazoyer's intervention in Monrandini Live @CNews on the [...]
On 15 September 2020, Christian Verschueren, President of EuroCommerce, gave his outlook for the future of retail, one of the sectors most affected by the health crisis and that will have to adapt [...]
Anne Mazoyer, President of FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs, as well as Victoire Bedhome and Ndeye Arame Dime, public affairs consultants, attended the ANACOFI Summer University in Paris on 3 September 2020. During [...]
How can health management and its communication be judged in light of the economic and social recovery? Find the intervention of our President @annemazoyer on @Checkupsante @bfmtv @bfmbusiness with @FabienJGuez #COVID19 #Health Intervention of [...]
If #EmmanuelMacron wants to maintain his political sovereignty, he must act on #security. Anne Mazoyer's intervention in Monrandini Live @CNews on the 28th August 2020
Anne Mazoyer, President of FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs, and César Lesage, General Delegate, represented the firm and accompanied several clients at the Renaissance des Entreprises de France 2020, the yearly event organised [...]
On the eve of the German Presidency of the EU, Politico launched the first European Competitive Summit. Discussions focused on how Europe should consolidate its place on the world stage and counter the [...]
Phil Hogan, Commissioner for Trade at the European Commission, talks about the threat that protectionism in Europe poses for future economic growth.
"In a context of upheaval and divisions no one can know what could benefit Marine Le Pen at the time of the #Presidential2022." Anne Mazoyer's intervention in Monrandini Live @CNews on the 19th June [...]
Living is more important than anything: the end of quarantine is now essential everywhere in Europe. 1/2 Anne Mazoyer's intervention in Monrandini Live @CNews on the 21st May 2020
Health policies under surveillance in France and around the world. 2/2 Anne Mazoyer's intervention in Monrandini Live @CNews on the 21st May 2020
The ethics of communication are fundamental for crisis management. Anne Mazoyer's intervention in Monrandini Live @CNews on the 14th May 2020
The chief executives of the world's largest retail federations shared their thoughts on how to adapt the sector to changing consumer behaviour and on government financial support for companies in difficulty. [...]
National unity must come to the fore during the #COVID19 sanitary crisis. Anne Mazoyer’s intervention in Morandini Live on @CNews of the 23rd March 2020
Crisis communication requires a duty of truth and transparency. 1/2 Anne Mazoyer's intervention in Morandini Live @CNews on the 17th March 2020
In times of war, communication must be an incentive to fight and not to flee. 2/2 Anne Mazoyer's intervention in Monrandini Live @CNews on the 17th March 2020
Management of the #coronavirus #COVID19 crisis: the French Government's health communication and its economic impact. Anne Mazoyer's intervention in Morandini Live @CNews on the 11th March 2020
Following the creation of this European initiative, led by France, Félix Goodenough and Victoire Bedhome from FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs attended the launch of the European Plastics Pact on 6 March 2020 in [...]
Anne Mazoyer, President of FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs, and Felix Goodenough participated in the second European Retail Day - a joint initiative of EuroCommerce, Euro Coop, the European Retail Round Table and [...]
The reduction in production taxes announced via the #PacteProductif is an unprecedented opportunity to get French industry off the ground and strengthen investment in France
#GriveauxGate things got going this weekend: @agnesbuzyn is now running for mayor of Paris @morandini_live @ilanacurelrem @JeremieMani @Nicorebo Anne Mazoyer's intervention in Morandini Live @CNews on the 17th February 2020
The Italians doubt the effectiveness of their public institutions and the French are protesting the Government’s reform policies. What is the economic impact of this precariousness and state of emergency? Marco Rocchi, political consultant [...]
Félix Goodenough and Victoire Bedhome from FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs met Philippe Léglise-Costa, Permanent Representative of France to the European Union in Brussels on 17 December 2019 at the Permanent Representation of France [...]
"Between a very risky timetable and a tension still shared by most people, today's strike is a full-scale test of the trade unions' survival and of the government's credibility and its pension reform project". [...]
Following the announcement of the implementation of the Green Deal by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Félix Goodenough and Victoire Bedhome from FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs attended, on behalf of one [...]
"If we go beyond the questions of merit of the reform, we see a problem with the method, timing and communication. And against the backdrop of the Yellow Vests last year, these new confrontations [...]
Making of the cross interview with @XavierBertrand and @David_Charlet which will be screened on December 12th #GrandDebatAnacofi @xavierbertrand @david_charlet @AssNaCoFin FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs Appointment for the Great Debate of the #Anacofi [...]
How can commerce reinvent itself in the face of innovation and digital transformation?
Business and environmental consciousness: is it compatible? Following an IPCC report recalling that time is running out if we want to limit the rise in global temperatures and President Trump's decision to withdraw [...]
MOCI - Nominations - Movements 24/10/2019 FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs: the French public affairs and corporate communications consultancy announced on 22 October the arrival of a new partner Of Counsel at FairValue in [...]
Contexte - Nomination - 24/10/2019 FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs hires an Africa expert for its public affairs offer - Patrick Ehringer joins Anne Mazoyer's team at the Paris-based lobbying and communication firm. Having [...]
Following the arrival this summer of Jean Chiaradia, we are pleased to announce the arrival of a new Of Counsel partner at FairValue in Paris, Patrick Ehringer, who will be more specifically in [...]
Anne Mazoyer and Eleonora Scalera meet on Friday 18 October Olivier Guersent, DG Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union at the #FISMA Commission, at the Circle of Permanent Delegates in Brussels. [...]
Tonight, FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs is taking part in the conference organised by the IEP Italian Executives in Paris. Proud to exchange with Italian decision-makers, major partners of France @ItalyinFrance @roberto_rinaudo #Thello [...]
FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs is committed to the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, which works to protect the environment and promote sustainable development worldwide.
Contexte - Nomination - 10/07/2019 A former diplomat working for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Jean Chiaradia-Bousquet has been based in Rome at the law firm Studio Legale Napolitano [...]
Contexte - Nominations - 10/07/2019 FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs recruits two senior members A former diplomat working for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Jean Chiaradia-Bousquet has been based [...]
Anne Mazoyer welcomes the involvement and commitment of Mrs Elzbieta Bienkowska, Commissioner for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, at the High-level conference on Retail in Brussels. On Wednesday 19 June, at [...]
CB News - Nomination - 18/06/2019 FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs, a corporate communications & public affairs firm founded in 2005 by Anne Mazoyer, is expanding its teams in Italy and France by welcoming [...]
At the end of three years of intense work, supported by 12 Member States and more than 30 contributors from civil society, the National Clothing Federation (FNH) presented its European White Paper on [...]
The presentation of the European White Paper on 6 March at the European Economic and Social Committee is the concrete outcome of an initiative led by the European Federation of Family Employment (EFFE), its [...]
The official presentation of the European White Paper on Home-based Employment will take place on Wednesday 6 March in Brussels at the European Economic and Social Committee from 13:30 to 17:30. Programme and [...]
This interview with Anne Mazoyer was originally published in La Lettre du GCCG - Stratégies managériales in November 2018. The President of FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs talks about her professional values, her commitments [...]
On 16 November, Anne Mazoyer was the guest of Jean-Marc Morandini on the set of CNEWS to discuss political current affairs, in particular the "Yellow Vests" social movement. Social networks, the role of intermediary [...]
Following the ministerial reshuffle in October, Anne Mazoyer was the guest of CNEWS to decipher the implications, alongside Eric Revel and Arnaud Benedetti.
On Friday 22nd June, Anne Mazoyer was live in Jean-Marc Morandini's programme on CNews to discuss the political communication of the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron. See
On Wednesday 11th July, Anne Mazoyer, met John Gordon Cluff, Chairman of Cluff Natural Resources with Jean-Pierre Chiaradia-Bousquet. Investing in Africa, a challenge for the European Union? More topical than ever. [...]